Mr Simon Downing

I am pleased to introduce myself and the team at Medical Insurance Consultants (MIC) as the new OTSIS insurance broker, as of the 5th September 2020.  MIC is an independent insurance broker with decades of experience assisting healthcare professionals with their insurance needs.

At MIC we:

  • have strong relationships with insurers who specialise in medical indemnity and are financially secure,
  • are a truly independent broker, not tied to one insurance company or at the mercy of external shareholders,
  • give impartial advice that is in your best interests; treating customers fairly is our priority,
  • work with insurers who view historical and predicted earnings, allowing us to take into greater account the impact of COVID-19 on private practice income,
  • provide in-house medico-legal advice by experienced advisers for members who need assistance and
  • manage several healthcare specialty schemes and have transferred them successfully over the last few years.

With private practice incomes plummeting and individual circumstances varying hugely across the UK, insurance premium costs have become more relevant than ever.  Some surgeons are nearly back to 75% of pre-COVID private practice activity, but there are significant geographical variations, with others struggling with theatre availability.  MIC understand this and work to obtain a good balance of comprehensive cover and competitive premiums, because too much compromise will undoubtedly lead to undesirable results for either cover, service or both.  Ultimately, when you take out your medical indemnity insurance you want to know it will provide the help you need when you need it, otherwise it is just a very expensive piece of paper.

The team at MIC look forward to working with the OTSIS clinical board for many years to come, who work on behalf of members to ensure policies provide good coverage at a fair premium.  If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch on:

or call 0333 014 3042 to speak to a member of the team.